Learn the art of telling your story.

I teach memoir writing and help people craft their speeches, podcasts, books, and love letters.
I like to think of myself as a Connoisseur of Words and a Story Designer.


Your story matters, and your life story has been a very heroic journey.

You learned how to survive long ago. That story has shaped you and brought you this far.

The question is: How has your journey informed you of your life purpose? Have you stepped into that purpose, or are you moving along to old programs?

The answer: Writing your memoir — whether it be a few pages or book length — is a conscious path to claiming your desired life with new meaning and new creative energy! It will change you, guaranteed.

I teach memoir writing and help people craft their speeches, podcasts, books, and love letters. I like to think of myself as a Connoisseur of Words and a Story Designer.

But formally, I am a Mastery-Level Life Coach, a long-time Writing Professor, a Talk Show Host, and a Writer.

Born legally blind and a person with albinism, I lived with so much challenge as a child. I thought it would magically change if I was a good person (and it didn’t). So, I started writing my story.

I believe that sharing my stories has saved my life.

My purpose is to make sure the next chapter of your life unfolds like a best-selling novel. Your life story is happening now. It’s time to relate to it with your heart and soul.
— Coach Debby
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I help you find the right words to say, in the right way, and at the right time. We all have a way that is true and right for us - I point you to those words. Nothing gives me more joy than teaching.
— Coach Debby
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Drop me a note

Inquire about services, share your book idea or send a question for the next radio show. I respect your privacy and never share your personal information.